Transcript Report

Here you can explore current and completed courses and credentials for all course takers at your institution.

Scrolling laterally in the table will reveal more columns (i.e. more courses and their status for each user).

Report Overview

The report displays the list of course-takers that are enrolled or were previously enrolled in the courses in your institution or other institutions along with the enrollment status (see below). There are columns that correspond to all the course types your institution ever offered, plus additional columns for full and advanced credentials, if earned by any of the course-takers at your institution.

Note that some of the course-takers might be present twice - one record will have your institution name in the "Program Affiliation" column, and another record will say "Other institution". The "other institution" record lists courses taken in any other institution, open enrollments and enrollments in the Facilitator Submission Spaces.

Facilitator Submission Space courses do not have start or end dates, therefore courses may stay in "in progress" state forever, and course-takers who completed only some microcredentials from the course and do not plan to complete the rest, will always show as "Enrolled" in the report no matter how long it has been since they took the course.


The transcript report allows you to filter course-takers based on their accomplishments. By default, all users are displayed in the table.

Click "Filters" to open the options. You can select a combination of conditions you want to display a narrower selection of course-takers who match all the selected conditions. For instance, for each course you can filter by status the status a course-taker in.

Available course statuses



The course-taker is enrolled but has not completed the course yet, and the course is still in progress.


The course-taker has completed the course.


The course-taker did not complete course, and the course has ended.

Click "Reset Filters" to remove all filters.


You can download the transcript report by clicking "Download spreadsheet". This will generate an Excel file (.xlsx) that will be downloaded to your computer.

If you apply filters before exporting the transcript report, the resulting view will be used to populate the table, and only users who match the criteria will be be included in the file.

Last updated