This page allows you to schedule a pinning ceremony directly in the portal and generate course-taker certificates, either connected to a pinning ceremony or as a separate request.
Last updated
This page allows you to schedule a pinning ceremony directly in the portal and generate course-taker certificates, either connected to a pinning ceremony or as a separate request.
Last updated
On the dashboard you will see all the existing pinning ceremonies created via the portal, and certificate requests.
Ceremonies appear in one of the following statuses:
"Draft" - not finalized ceremony request
"Scheduled / Pending" - ceremony has been scheduled, pins have not been mailed yet (if applicable)
"Scheduled / Pins mailed" - pins for the ceremony have been mailed
"Past" - ceremony date is in the past
Certificate requests appear in "Draft" or "Created" status and never expire.
By clicking on a ceremony or certificates request name you can open the popup with all the details and available actions. You can also click three dots icon at the end of ceremony or certificates request row to see available options.
To schedule new ceremony, click "Schedule a Ceremony" button. You will be presented with 2 steps wizard to populate all the details.
Select date range (click start date and then end date in the calendar) covering end dates of the cohorts you plan to include in the ceremony. List of the found programs will appear on the right where you can select the ones you need.
At this point you can either save the ceremony as a draft and return to the dashboard, or proceed to the next step.
On this page you will be asked to provide ceremony details, such as ceremony date and time, and ceremony format - online or in person. You have an option to request ACUE representative attendance at your ceremony.
Ceremony date cannot be earlier than 14 days in the future. If you have an urgent request, please contact Partnership Portal Support or your Regional Customer Success Director.
You will also be asked to enter mailing contact and address to deliver pins for your ceremony.
On this page, you can either save the ceremony as a draft and return to the dashboard, or submit it. Once ceremony is scheduled, you will receive confirmation email and will be able to generate certificates for the event.
To request certificates, click "Request Certificates Only" button on the "Recognition" dashboard.
Select date range (click start date and then end date in the calendar) covering end dates of the cohorts you need certificates for. List of the found programs will appear on the right where you can select the ones you need.
At this point you can either save the request as a draft and return to the dashboard, or finalize the details.
Certificates generation step is the same for both pinning ceremonies and certificate requests - click ceremony or request name on the "Recognition" dashboard, or three dots icon at the end of ceremony or certificate request row, and select "Certificates" option. You will be redirected to the certificate generation step displaying completers and course-takers approaching certification in the selected cohorts.
Completers are shown with the type of certificate they earned and completion date. Course-takers approaching certification are shown with the type of certificate they will earn if complete the course, and current progress in the course.
Course-takers falling into one of the following categories will not appear on the certificate generation page:
course-takers who did not complete the course that ended (closed for submissions)
course-takers who completed the course but did not achieve certification in it
Course-takers progress is updated once a day. If you see progress discrepancy between Partnership Portal and Canvas, please check certificate page the next day.
Note that you are still allowed to generate certificate for course-takers who did not receive the certificate yet.
You can generate the certificate for individual course-taker by clicking a paper icon in corresponding row, or select multiple course-takers and click "Download Certificates" button under "Download" menu to request combined PDF file with all the certificates included in it.
Combined file generation may take some time, you don't need to wait and keep page open, you will receive an email when file is ready for download.
You can regenerate the file or redownload previously generated one (if any) by selecting "Download Last Certificates File" under "Download" menu.
You can also export selected course-takers into CSV file by selecting "Export to CSV" option under "Download" menu.