Program Management
For all programs, view pertinent dates, current enrollment counts, manage rosters and program schedules.
Last updated
For all programs, view pertinent dates, current enrollment counts, manage rosters and program schedules.
Last updated
This page presents all the programs your institution has launched or is scheduled to launch with ACUE. Programs are separated into 3 tabs for your convenience:
Upcoming and Pre-Drop - these are programs that haven't started yet, or have started but did not reach drop period end yet. You can monitor applications and review waitlists.
In Progress Post-Drop - these are programs currently in progress and past drop period end, so changes to the roster are not expected.
Closed - programs that have concluded (past grace period).
Each program has an associated roster details page and schedule details page which can be accessed by clicking the "Roster" or "Schedule" button next to the program name. The roster details page allows viewing and managing the details of course-takers for the corresponding program. The scheduling details page allows viewing and managing the program schedule. To learn more about the details pages, see below:
The "Roster" and "Schedule" buttons are hidden for programs under the "In Progress Post-Drop" and "Closed" tabs, however, corresponding pages remain accessible on program details page
The "Roster" and "Schedule" buttons will display different icons and colors depending on their status and/or actions required:
Roster Approaching or Above Maximum Applicants Number
This indicates that the roster for this program has 30 or more course-takers applied.
Roster Due Date Approaching
This indicates that the roster due date is approaching and recruitment efforts should be prioritized so this roster can be finalized.
Schedule Needs Review
This indicates that the program schedule needs to be reviewed. Changes to the schedule can be requested or the schedule can be approved if it is ready.
Schedule Change Requested
This indicates that the program schedule has had a change requested. Action is required by ACUE administration to address the requested change to the schedule. There is no action required on the partner administrator's end.
Programs on the "In Progress Post-Drop" tab have "Cohort Snapshot" button allowing to request course snapshot report. See details in the report guide.
The program management table contains a "Roster Status" column which represents the status of the program's roster for the corresponding row. A roster status can be:
“Inactive” - the program is not listed on the application form.
“Active” - the program is eligible for listing in the application form. The criteria for listing is based on the Course Start Date (if this is in the past, the program will not be listed).
"Finalized" - the program's roster has been approved and finalized; no further roster changes are possible. Programs with finalized rosters are not listed on the application form.
If any changes are required after a roster is finalized, you can fill out this roster change request form:
List of programs can be sorted by any column in ascending or descending order using arrow icons next to the column name.
List of programs can be filtered by one or multiple criteria using filter icon in front of the column name. Applied filter(s) can be reset using the "Reset Filter" button above the list.
Select programs by clicking the checkboxes on the left-hand side of a row, and then click the action drop-down to take action on multiple programs at once. You have the ability to control the status of rosters, approve schedules, and request changes to schedules for multiple programs at once.
See the GIF below for an example of how to change the roster status to "Active" for multiple programs at once using the action drop-down: