Release Notes

Sep 19, 2024


  • Prevent schedule auto-approval on deleted program

Sep 16, 2024


  • Prevent change request to scheduled program when there is pending finalize request

  • Fix button labels wrap on Account Management dashboard

Aug 27, 2024


  • Fix bulk actions for programs with "&" in the name

  • Fix roster import for names with special characters

  • Fix switching from alternative content to default one

Aug 22, 2024

New Features

  • Add Recruitment Hub to the Dashboard

  • Add Partnership Overview to the Dashboard

  • Move Quick Start to a sticky container on the Dashboard

  • Update roster import UI/UX and logic

  • Allow moving an applicant to any available roster, not only those of the same course type

  • Add roster sorting options

Aug 7, 2024


  • Fix issue with landing page welcome paragraph updates not being saved

Aug 1, 2024


  • Fix issue on application form where same course shows as completed and in progress

  • Fix double submit issues on application form in Safari browser

  • Fix sending emails to deleted partner admins

New Features

  • Update application template "welcome" text

Jun 6, 2024


  • Fix issue with submitting comment on the schedule page

  • Update email template sent out to not accepted applicants on a roster

Technical Maintenance

  • Allow not accepted and waitlisted applicants to re-apply to a different course of the same type

New Features

  • Update email template to waitlisted users to include the applicant's name

  • Add new program management page highlighting for schedule and roster

  • Add navigation breadcrumbs

Mar 12, 2024


  • Fix application responses column names in the exported CSV

New Features

  • Enable sorting, filtering, and pagination on all list pages

  • Add a label to application form indicate to applicants how their name will appear on credentials and certificates

  • Update roster finalization label

Technical Maintenance

  • Improve validation for overlapping start dates when moving applicant to the related program

  • Update actions for "not accepted" component

Feb 15, 2024


  • Fix emails not being sent if same user email address is in "To" and "CC" fields

New Features

  • Add new "Not Accepted" component to the roster page

  • Change names of columns to Applicants Accepted, Waitlisted Applicants, and Applicants Not Accepted on the roster page

  • Create "Action" menu dropdown to edit roster applicant lists

  • Add "Quick Start Guide" link to dashboard for quick access to help topics

Technical Maintenance

  • Convert all previously deleted/detached applicants to "Not Accepted" status

Jan 10, 2024


  • Display user-friendly message if application cannot be submitted due to internal error

Jan 4, 2024


  • Fix moving applicant from accepted list on one roster to waitlist on related program roster

Dec 28, 2023


  • Fix user validation during applicants import to identify existing applications for the same program type

  • Disable double-click on application form submission

Technical Maintenance

  • Consolidate validation logic for application form submission and roster import

New Features

  • Update email-driven application flow logic to include all course types

  • Add schedule conflict validation to the roster import

  • Add support of names with commas to the roster import logic

Dec 6, 2023


  • Fix duplicate appearance of the same course on application form if user applied through the portal and is already enrolled in Canvas

New Features

  • Update columns list on Program Management page to display add and drop period ends separately

Nov 15, 2023


  • Fix “login loop” issue when users are caught in the loop of entering the email/password and one-time code again and again

  • Fix several typos and formatting issues

New Features

  • Enable automated invitations from the waitlist (if any) when a course-taker is dropped in Canvas (in oppose to manual process currently in place)

  • Make applicants list and details pages visible to partner admins in read-only mode

  • Update application details page to include additional details and direct link to applicant details page

  • Add search bar to applicants list

  • Forbid deleting application if it's in accepted/registered list of the finalized roster

  • Add “Rejected Invitation” enrollment status (when course-taker clicks “Reject” on invite banner in Canvas) on roster details page

  • Update roster accepted/registered applicants count label to display different details depending on program status (before or after invite date)

  • Rename "Add/Drop Date" column on programs list page to "Drop Period Ends"

Oct 30, 2023


  • Fix Unicode characters processing during the roster import

Oct 25, 2023


  • Remove password from the login page source

  • Update error message when landing page welcome paragraph field limit is exceeded

Oct 19, 2023


  • Fix the toast message appearing when user is successfully invited to the course after the program invite date

Technical Maintenance

  • Implement email validation before sending Canvas invite

  • Implement individual program invite threads

  • Update Canvas invites email template to reflect the total number of invitees

Oct 2, 2023

  • Update ACUE logo

Sep 28, 2023

New Features

  • Enable application confirmation email for all partners by default

  • Implement notifications logic for roster (re)finalized after the program invite date

  • Implement roster notification sent 13 days before program start date

  • Adjust email to applicants depending on if there are partner admins assigned to the institution

  • Update email sent to course-taker invited after invite date to include cohort code

  • Implement applicant details page and allow applicant editing

  • Forbid unfinalization of the roster and moving applicants after invite date

  • Recalculate schedule due date if course start date changes

  • Include program name in pop up message when user was successfully moved

Sep 21, 2023

New Features

  • Include partner administrators in the emails sent to accepted and waitlisted applicants on roster finalization


  • Fix Transcript report filter to exclude records with dropped enrollments only

Sept 18, 2023

New Features

  • Relabel "In Progress" course status on application form to "In Progress or Applied To"

Sept 12, 2023

New Features

  • Support advanced credential pathway by allowing faculty to apply to a comprehensive course even if they have previously completed or are enrolled in a "Designing Learner-Centered Courses (DC)" course

  • Add a note to roster view around deleting applicants from a waitlist if they should not be invited to a program

  • Skip sending enrollment/invite to users from portal waitlist if they are already enrolled in the Canvas course

Aug 30, 2023

New Features

  • Allow viewing and managing order of waitlisted applicants

  • Automatically send invites out to registered course-takers to Canvas on program invite date

  • Create status column on roster details page to display applicants enrollment status in Canvas after roster is finalized

  • Allow adding applicants to the roster after the invite date if spot becomes available in Canvas

  • Forbid adding more applicants to the roster past the limit of 33

  • Update roster 2 weeks due date email template

  • Add email to waitlisted applicants (similar to registered applicants)

  • Add email to course-taker invited after the invite date

  • Add email to partner admins, course Academic Director and Facilitators on invites sent in Canvas

  • Allow importing roster file with more than 3 columns


  • Fix error when last page number is entered manually on "Application Responses" page

  • Redirect to roster page instead of schedule page when clicking related program name

Aug 21, 2023


  • Fix the logic for adding applications to the related roster or waitlist automatically based on maximum number of applicants allowed in accepted roster list (33)

Aug 16, 2023

New Features

  • Update the language according to new ACUE certification naming hierarchy

Aug 8, 2023

New Features

  • Add prompt to skip notification to partner admins and accepted applicants on re-finalization of the roster

Aug 3, 2023

New Features

  • Automatically approve program schedule on its due date if it's pending review

  • Adjust roster due date emails recipients list


  • Fix the logic showing user's completed or in progress enrollments on application form to not show same course multiple times

Jul 25, 2023

New Features

  • Add prompt to skip notification to partner admins on schedule upload if within 28 days of the course start date

  • Update badges and course descriptions on landing pages

  • Add support of alternative framework courses


  • Ignore dropped enrollments in Transcript report and application form validation

Jul 20, 2023


  • Hide ACUE admin name in schedule comments

  • Update schedule status dropdown state on change in Firefox

July 18, 2023

New Features

  • Send notifications about schedule change requests to operations team immediately upon submission


  • Remove operation team member from schedule comment notification recipients if comment is added by ACUE admin

July 13, 2023

New Features

  • Add support of additional type of rows in the schedule file


  • Update the logic to identify program end date

July 5, 2023

New Features

  • Create program listings page

  • Create program status indicators on program listings page

  • Create program details page

  • Create program scheduling tab

  • Allow individual program and bulk upload of the schedule CSVs to ACUE admin

  • Implement validation for uploaded schedule CSV

  • Create preview of schedule on program scheduling tab

  • Create exportable schedule PDF

  • Create scheduling bulk actions

  • Create scheduling email notifications

  • Update roster finalization email notification

  • Update portal to use "program" instead of "roster" or "cohort" where applicable

  • Make ACUE non-superadmin have read-only permissions for scheduling


  • Fix error when ACUE admin tries to finalize or unlock roster

  • Remove schedule CSV file name case sensitivity

Technical Maintenance

  • Implement naming convention for program details page URL

  • Auto-generate Canvas-friendly schedule CSVs and store in Google Cloud Storage bucket

June 21, 2023

New Features

  • Add a downloadable template CSV to the roster imports page

  • Add a link to the portal Help Topics section about finalizing rosters in roster due date emails

  • Add a link to Help Topics in the Application Form

Technical Maintenance

  • Add canvas course ID to Salesforce and portal sync script

June 12, 2023

New Features

  • Update exported roster CSV format

  • Update application form questions

  • Create Canvas roster export format for ACUE administration

  • Allow roster import and course-taker status changes to be made for rosters marked inactive

  • Add course type and dates under the program title on the roster details page

Technical Maintenance

  • Store the source of application response in the database

  • Change the table data is loaded from for the application response details page

  • Update environment variables

  • Cleaned up duplicate application responses that were incorrectly created for related cohorts of selected cohorts on application form

May 24, 2023

New Features

  • Allow partners to mark roster statuses as active or inactive

  • Notify course-takers about confirmed registration in program when corresponding roster is finalized

  • Notify partners when rosters are due 2 in weeks and on the due day

  • Remove deprecated "Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning" course from catalogue on the Landing Page

  • Move additional questions on application form to the main page

  • Add Landing Page URL to the Landing Page settings page

  • Add roster change request form URL to finalized roster page for partners

Technical Maintenance

  • Exclude programs deleted in Salesforce from the portal

  • Validate emails and name fields when importing a roster

May 21, 2023


  • Fix issue when importing a roster CSV with ANSI encoding type

  • Fix issue where previously deleted applicants that we re-registered to a roster did not show up exported roster

May 17, 2023

New Features

  • Update course text "Designing Student-Centered Courses" text with "Designing Learner-Centered and Equitable Courses"


  • Fix issue where course-takers deleted from roster remained in the exported CSV

May 10, 2023

New Features

  • Ignore csv rows with duplicate emails when importing roster

  • Update application form logic for incomplete courses to not appear as "In Progress"


  • Fix broken link to roster in rosters marked final notification email

Technical Maintenance

  • Add constraints to database tables

May 1, 2023

New Features

  • Create "Data and Reports" page

  • Update and add roster due date email notification

  • Sort partner admin page alphabetically by institution name


  • Transcript report export is blank when filter is applied

  • Incorrect roster counting, cohort updating and waitlisting

April 26, 2023

New Features

  • Allow saving on question bank editor

  • Update roster highlighting logic

  • Add custom questions to partner application form


  • Fix error where names with accents show up incorrectly on portal

Technical Maintenance

  • Update database schema

April 17, 2023

New Features

  • De-selected all courses by default when opening the application form

  • Add "(dates estimated)" text to course dates in application form

  • Clear one-time password field when user goes back to login page after submitting one-time password

  • Update emails layout to appear properly in different mail clients Implement announcements editor

  • Update "roster finalized" email recipients list Implement email alert for roster not being finalized by the due date

  • Introduce superadmin role

  • Decrease font size of the landing page and application form titles

  • Hide "Reviewed by ACUE admin:" roster checkbox

  • Add Dashboard "Get Started"

  • Replace email in contact support form

  • Update sender and support email address in all emails

  • Update support email on Get Started Pop up


  • Course dates on application form are not converted to EST

  • Contact Support form doesn't work if opened from ACUE or partner admin settings page

  • Landing pages list fails to load

  • Get Started highlights incorrect link on left for the explanation

Technical Maintenance

  • Create daily sync script between Salesforce accounts and portal partners

Last updated